150km of Wilderness Trail where the mountains meet the sea.

Tell Me More

The Illawarra Escarpment Trail and the Country through which it passes was, and always will be, the land of the Wodi Wodi People of the Dharawal Nation.

Aim of the Project

To link a 150km network of trails in a Continuous Illawarra Escarpment Trail route sanctioned by landowners, stakeholders and government.

This trail, stretching from Bundeena in the north to Berry in the south, would create a walking and running trail of international significance that connects with both the Manly to Bondi Sydney Harbour Walk and The Great North Walk to provide an unparalleled Great North-South Walk

The Continuous Illawarra Trail Project began as a response to increasing (or increasingly indicated) restrictions on use of the Upper and Lower Escarpment fire trails. Signs restricting access and threatening prosecution were installed as Wollongong Coal sort approval to expand its operations under the water catchment. These increased restrictions raised the ire of the trail running community. The 6km section of the trail in question is frequently used by runners, walkers, and MTB Riders to access Brokers Nose and areas of the Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area to the north and south.

The Seacliff Coasters is a group of 400+ people with an interest in Trail and Endurance Running. In 2020 we published a change.org petition. This petition gathered 1400 signatures in 2 weeks that expressed the community’s objections to the restrictions imposed by the mine proposal and its impact on public access and the amenity of the trail.

Our principal concern (ignoring the inevitable impact on climate and water security) was that the National Parks and Wildlife plan to unify the Illawarra State Conservation Area and to tie together and formalise a popular set of trails would be doomed. The Seacliff Coasters are fiercely protective of the environment to which we belong. We want the spectacular environment of the Illawarra escarpment protected from overdevelopment. We reject any increase in extractive industry. We believe the social, environmental and economic value of the escarpment is being undermined (quite literally) by its continued division into small disconnected pockets of land. Moreover we believe that a Continuous Illawarra Escarpment Trail will allow us to celebrate, and promote the remarkable environment in which we live and play.

The Seacliff Coasters have since connected with other stakeholder groups from the southern half of the route who have been campaigning for many years to make such a trail a reality. We look forward to working with those groups in order to make our collective dream a reality. The trail is called different things by different people but the vision is synonymous - the trails are there, all we need to do is secure public access and ensure the route is protected for future generations.

News & Stories

News about the project and stories about us and our relationship to the Illawarra Escarpment

Lands Edges Foundation.

The Lands Edge Foundation argues for a continuous trail.

Fossils & Fluids

Thoughts on IPC Ruling

Continuous Illawarra Escarpment Trail.

WIN News with Ryan Park,Coasters & NPA.

Escarpment Walking Track Partnership.

WIN News with Neville Fredericks.

The Coaster's Battle for Brokers

Fighting for the value of our local environment.

Opposing Russell Vale.

ABC Story on Russell Vale Expansion.


Publications and Documents pertaining to the development of a Continuous Illawarra Escarpment Trail

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Contact us @ info@ourescarpment or call 0414 680303 for Media Inquiries